Sunday, April 17, 2011

Easter Egg Cake Pops

I love to bake.  I probably do some sort of baking at least once a week, usually in the form of a cupcake.  Yum!  I have been wanting to try making cake pops for awhile now, and with Easter right around the corner what better to try to make than easter egg cake pops?

What you need:
Cake mix (I chose to use carrot cake)
Frosting (cream cheese, yummy!!)
Candy melts
Lollipop sticks
Edible ink markers
Styrofoam block (not pictured)

First things first, bake your cake and let it cool!  This doesn't take long if you pop it in the freezer.  I chose to let it set in my fridge for two days.  Please, don't be like me.

Next you want to break it up into a big bowl.

Add in your frosting.  You may not need the entire can...start with half and then add more if you need to.  I chose to dump the entire can in and ended up having to run to the store, buy another box of cake mix, and bake another cake to add to what I had mixed up already.  Again, don't be like me.

Mix well.

Shape into balls, then place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.  They don't have to be perfect as you are going to re-shape them later on.

Next, melt the candy melts according to the package directions.  Pretend that it's white in this picture.

Then dip your lollipop sticks in the melted candy, and stick them into your balls slightly less than halfway.

Pop them into your freezer until they set.  This will take longer than you think it will.  You want them to be firm, but not frozen.  When they are ready, take them out and shape the balls to resemble Easter eggs.

Dip them into your melted candy (you may need to reheat it a little bit if it's gotten thicker).  Dip them straight down, rock them a little bit to cover, then pull straight up.  Tap them gently while twisting to allow the extra candy coating to drip off.  Most of ours had extra coating since we were too anxious to let it all drip off.

Stick them in your styrofoam block to dry.  Aren't they pretty?  See all that extra candy coating dripping off of them?  Yeah - you don't want that.

When they're dry, go to town!  Color them with your edible ink markers.  For some reason our markers were not working very well, so we ended up dipping q-tips into food coloring and painting them that way.  It worked so much better!

The point is to get creative!  Dip them in sprinkles or drizzle melted chocolate over them.  Whatever you decide to do have fun and enjoy yourself!

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